The Fokker C.XIV-W

In 1938, no fewer than 24 light sea reconnaissance aircraft were ordered from Fokker by the Naval Aviation Service.

They can serve as traininers and are also used as replacements for the C.VII-W.

The planes are equipped with dual controls. In practice, however, the second control is often omitted.

While the C.XI-W aircraft were catapult and High Sea Scouts, the C.XIV-W did not operate from ships.

The construction and engine were much lighter compared to the C.XI-W.

The engine used was a Wright Whirlwind of 425-450 hp.

Max. speed 230 km/h. Cruising speed198 km/h. Empty weight 1320 kg. Take-off weight 1952 kg.

Length 9.5 m. Height 4.25 m. Wing area 31.4 m2.

Ceiling 5400 m. Flight range 950 km.

The 2 machine guns (fixed to the left of the engines and behind the 2nd cockpit) fired at two speeds.

The front machine gun was 7.9 mm with 250 rounds/min, the rear was also 7.9 mm but with 500 rounds/min.

The front machine gun on the left behind the engine was fixed. The rear machine gun was behind the 2 nd cockpit and was movable.

Click on the photo to enlarge the photo

Information about the planes we don't have a photo of.

The tail planes of all C.XIV-W scouts no longer had the red, white and blue livery on the tail plane, which was replaced by orange.

An important factor was also that there was great urgency in the deliveries and certainly also in the recording of data and photos.

Hence, sometimes varying information is available about which scouts were destroyed in the Netherlands and in the Dutch East Indies and when.

The F-3 with c/n 5589 was delivered on May 5, 1939 and stationed at MVK Alkmaarder Meer.

During the departure via France to England, the F-3 remained behind in Calshot near Southampton in England.

There it became the manche tug (also called target tug) for shooting exercises.

On March 1, 1941, the F-3 was scrapped after having rendered service.

On November 29, 1939, c/n 5609 is delivered as F-17 at Marine Air Camp (MVK) Veere and leaves for England via France on May 14, 1940.

Then shipped to the Dutch East Indies and destroyed at Morokrembangan in March 1942.

On December 6, 1939, c/n 5610 is delivered as F-18 on MVK Alkmaarder Meer and leaves for England via France on May 14, 1940.

Then shipped to the Dutch East Indies and destroyed at Morokrembangan in March 1942 during the Japanese invasion.

C/n 5595 was delivered on 28 August 1939 at Alkmaarder Meer or Veere as F-20.

On January 10, 1940, near Scheveningen, it was shot at by a French ship despite its orange paintwork.

Repaired and on 13 May 1940 at Alkmaarder Meer but damaged again near Veere.

Apparently good enough for flight via France to England and shipped to the Dutch East Indies on MVK Morokrembangan destroyed.

(Here too, the uncertainty about whether the destruction took place in the Dutch East Indies or in the Netherlands plays a role)

With c/n 5596 the MVK Veere is on August 28, 1939 F-21 delivered.

It was completely destroyed during a German attack on Veere Air Camp on May 12, 1940.

With c/n 5597 it is also delivered on August 28, 1939 to MVK Alkmaarder Meer as F-22.

The F-22 proves repairable after a brief incident on May 12, 1940 with a Junkers Ju 88.

On May 14, 1940, the F-22 joins the group leaving for England via France.

There the scout was shipped to the Dutch East Indies and eventually destroyed on Morokrembangan in March 1942.

(Here too there is talk of the possible crash of the F-22 due to the Ju 88 incident).

C/n 5598 is delivered on 30 Aug 1939 as F-23 at MVK Veere and manages to escape on May 14, 1940.

From there via France to England and shipped to the Dutch East Indies and destroyed in March 1942.

The last of the series is c/n 5599 delivered 14 Sep 1939 as F-24 at Marine Air Station Veere.

The reconnaissance aircraft was completely destroyed during the Ju 88 incident on 12 May 1940 and could not be repaired.


We would like to receive some more information about the C.XIV-W, perhaps from the Naval Aviation Service. Thanks in advance.

Below is a short list of the history of the F-8 to the F-15 due to a lack of photos and meager information in connection with the approaching war.

  • The F-8 had c/n 5600 and was delivered on September 14, 1939 to Marine Air Base (MVK) De Mok.
    It would not be the last bombing, because on May 12, 1940, the De Mok air base was hit again.
  • F-9 c/n 5601 delivered 31 Oct 1939 destroyed on 12 May 1940 during bombing of MVK De Mok on Texel.
  • F-10 '' 5602 '' 1 Nov 1939 '' on 12 May 1940 during bombing of MVK De Mok.
  • F-11 '' 5603 '' 17 Oct 1939 '' on 12 May 1940 during bombing of MVK De Mok.
  • F-12 '' 5604 '' 17 Oct 1939 '' on 2 May 1940 during bombing of MVK De Mok.
  • F-13 '' 5605 '' 1 Nov 1939 light damage Alkmaarder Meer on 12.05.1940 shipped to the Dutch East Indies via France and England on 14 May 1940 destroyed in March 1942.
  • F-14 '' 5606 '' 1 Nov 1939 destroyed on 12 May 1940 during bombing of MVK De Mok island Texel.
  • F-15 '' 5607 16 Nov 1939 fled on 14 May 1940 via France and England shipped to the Dutch East Indies destroyed in March 1942

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