The DCI prototype registered H-NABZ had construction number (cn) 4132.
The H-NABZ here in Gothenburg where the machine was demonstrated by Fokker pilot Bertus Grasé with participation number 28.
The H on the rudder is probably only fitted in Sweden.
Rotating propeller of the Napier motor.
The Fokker DCI, shortly after delivery to the LA-KNIL at Kalidjati airport near Bandoeng (Java).
With country identification, but still without registration with letters / numbers.
Plenty of research and maintenance on a DCI
In addition to these activities, the DCI is made completely technically ready to fly.
The registration is still missing.
Rear DCI with the rear gun turret clearly visible.
Immediately after delivery, even without the wings, rudder and registration.
So here shortly after delivery at the LA-KNIL airport Kalidjati north of Bandoeng in the Dutch East Indies.
That means a lot of work for the DCI moneurs
In the cockpit before the start of a flight.
Now almost ready to fly but still without registration.
The FD 403 in the air.
Sub-Lieutenant-Pilot J. Oonincx. board the FD 405 via a special ladder from which he will later disembark for a parachute jump.
Pay attention to the long continuous steps in order not to touch the stabilizer at the jump.
Aviator Ooninx gets off the FD 405 before his parachute jump.
In full use here: the FD409 405 and 408 at the LA-KNIL Aviation Division Royal Dutch Army.
A curious addition is the windows placed on both sides for the gunner observer.