The D.XXIII mock-up at the Fokker factory in Amsterdam-Noord, just from the paint shop where the camouflage pattern has been applied.
Photo of the D.XXIII mock-up with everything on it, before applying the camouflage pattern.
The D.XXIII mock-up at the 16th Paris Aviation Salon in 1938.
The D.XXIII mock-up seen from above.
Here the real D.XXIII with registration X-4 and cn 5614.
Side view of the X-4 with a spinning front engine.
Here you can clearly see that the motor shafts are out of alignment: the front propeller shaft is lower than the rear one.
Gerben Sonderman sits in the cockpit of the X-4. This is one of the eleven flights it made.
Front view of the X-4.
Rear view of the X-4.
The X-4 in the Fokker factory with on the left Mr. Fox (Fokker management) and Prince Bernhard in the cockpit.
On the stairs the D.XXIII designer Ir. Marius Beeling (with glasses), behind that Mr. van Tijen (Fokker management) and the Fokker mechanic J. Steen in white overalls.
The D.XXIII on January 13, 1940 at Schiphol with the pseudo LVA registration 998.
Image taken after the first flight of the D.XXIII, with the first flights the cockpit was still open.
From left to right Fokker employees Roest and Sirag, Ir. Beeling (with hat) and Gerben Sonderman in the cockpit.
Sonderman smiles with satisfaction after the arrival of the first flight with the D.XXIII.
Test pilot Gerben Sonderman in conversation. The D.XXIII is in the background.
Sonderman climbs out of the cockpit after one of the test flights.
The X-4 returned from a test flight.
The 12 cylinder Walter Sagitta engine.
Cutaway drawing of the D.XXIII.