The Gianni Caproni Aviation Museum was founded in 1927 as the Caproni
museum. Founded by the pioneer of Italian aviation Gianni Caproni together with his wife Timina Guasti Caproni.
It is the oldest Italian aviation museum.
The museum has moved a number of times, but has been located at its current location south of Trento since the end of 1980. Next to Trento-Mattarello Airport.
The museum has an aircraft collection of about 30 aircraft, the majority of which are of Italian origin.
One unique Fokker aircraft is part of this collection.
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This is the only original Fokker D-VIII (V.26 EV) that is left of all Fokker built aircraft in the First World War.
The aircraft arrived in Italy around 1919-20 as part of reparations for war damage.
In 1940 it was exhibited in the Caproni museum.
It has been gradually restored from 1988.
The engine is the original 9-cylinder Oberursel of 110 hp.
Top view of the D-VIII at the Caproni Aviation Museum.
Thanks to Henk Stevens