In 1933, the LVA came up with the idea of monitoring the airspace by means of long patrols with a heavily armed aircraft.
Fokker had design 111 ready in November 1934, the LVA accepted it and design 111 became the Fokker TV
It was a large aircraft built as a light bomber with a very mixed construction method.
The fuselage center section and wings were made of wood, the fuselage rear section of steel tubing covered with linen, and the fuselage front section with the cockpit of aluminum.
The engine choice fell on two Bristol Pegasus XXVI engines of 925 hp each.
There was room for 5 crew members, a commander-bomb aimer-observer, a pilot, a 2nd pilot, a radio operator/gunner and an air gunner.
The armament was not bad and consisted of:
The first flight took place on October 16, 1937.
From 1938 onwards, the LVA gradually put the TVs into service, a total of 16 units.
During the German invasion on 10 May 1940, the LVA deployed 9 TVs, but their low speed made them no match for the fast German fighters.
However, the TV was still able to put up a good fight, because the aircraft was equipped with a forward-firing cannon in the nose.
Due to the lack of a rubber coating on the wing tanks, these aircraft were quickly set on fire by tracer ammunition.
After the May days, there were still a few (albeit seriously damaged) aircraft in our country. These were all taken to Germany.
Click on the photo to enlarge the photo
In this article we have tried to give as accurate a picture as possible of what happened in May 1940. That is difficult, because the number of versions of those events knows almost no bounds.
The “Concise History of the Royal Air Force” is one of our most important sources. But, as is so often the case, sources sometimes contradict each other or give a different interpretation of the facts.
It is also remarkable that these bombers were never ordered by the LVA.
Fokker developed the TV, also called the 'Air Cruiser', entirely by himself, without any assignment or order.
The air cruiser was subsequently delivered to LVA, which purchased all 16.
The prototype's LVA registration number was 350, but the 300 numbers went to the GI and the TV was renumbered to 850 with c/n 5445.
Most of the TVs were assigned to the Bombardier Aircraft Department (BOMva) at Schiphol.
On May 10, 1940 at 3:58 AM, Schiphol Airport was attacked by the Germans.
The 850 was sent to South Holland. On board were, among others, 1and Lnt/Fl. Wildschut as first pilot, 1and Lnt/Observer/Gunner J. Pool and Sld. 1 Wijnstra as tail gunner.
Near Leiden and Katwijk they were approached by a German formation of 9 aircraft.
Two were shot down, with Private Wijnstra even destroying the entire tail plane of a Messerschmitt 110.
It immediately became clear that shooting down the German fighters would be of much greater importance than the bombing function.
The rotating 20 mm Solothurn cannon in the nose turret helped a lot.
And certainly also the 7.9 mm movable FN machine guns in the tail turret on the fuselage on the left and right sides and on the bottom of the fuselage.
The flight continued via Bergen airfield for replenishment of ammunition and fuel.
Schiphol was the last destination, where a crew change took place.
With the following crew including 1and Lnt/Fl. J. Mulder 1and Lnt Warn. G. Verhagen and Sld 1 Wijnstra.
This was followed by a flight to the Maas bridges at around 3:30 p.m., which claimed two victims of the crew.
Furthermore, this mission was also unsuccessful and the 850 was slightly damaged.
On May 11, the Maas bridges are again the target and together with the 856 they head for them.
This time also assisted by 3 Fokker D.XXI's.
The 850th shoots down an Me 110 from a group of 12 Messerscmitts.
The 856 that flew along also survived this flight to the Maas bridges near Rotterdam.
Near Waddinxveen in the Bloemendaal polder, surrounded by German fighters, the 850 crashed.
And with that, the role of the prototype of the TV was finally played out.
Second pilot sgt. J .van den As and telegr. Sgt. L. Rozenboom were killed. Mulder, Verhagen and tail gunner Wijnstra saved themselves with their parachute.
The 851 c/n 5446 was on the Schiphol platform at hangar C and was badly damaged during the first bombing by the Germans.
The air cruiser already had some problems with the retractable system of the wheels.
Ultimately, the 851 was used extensively during the war for all possible spare parts for emergency repairs.
The conclusion is that this TV actually did not fly after May 10, 1940.
On May 10, 1940 at 3:58 am, the 852 was at the Fokker Aviation Company at Schiphol for major repairs during the German invasion.
The repair was already 90% complete and the 852 was almost ready to fly again.
There were actually 2 damages. The first was an accident in November 1939 in the vicinity of Beilen (Drenthe).
But when the aircraft was almost ready, a second accident occurred in April 1940 at Schiphol Airport.
Ultimately, this 852 entered German service.
The German attack on Schiphol Airport began at 3:58 am on May 10, 1940.
The 853 was flown by 1and Lnt/Fl. W. Anceaux and 1and Lnt/wrn G. Ruijgrok.
After half an hour the air cruiser suffered engine failure and had to make an emergency landing.
This took place at the Ruigenhoek emergency airfield near Noordwijk at 5:30 am.
The 853 therefore did not see action again.
Observer/gunner Ruijgrok went with pilot Eilders and Lnt/Vl W. Anceaux to the 856.
At the start of the German invasion of Schiphol on May 10, 1940 at 3:58 am, 1and Lnt/Vl WKünzel pilot. He stayed in the Netherlands because of a training at LVA, because he was actually a pilot at LA/KNIL in the Indies.
Together with the 856 that had also taken off, he diverted to the Ruijgenhoek emergency airfield.
There the 854, 856 and 862 received the order to bomb Ockenburg airfield near The Hague.
That went reasonably well and via Ruigenhoek we went back to Schiphol Airport.
Once again the trio 854, 856 and 862 were given an assignment, this time to bomb Waalhaven airfield near Rotterdam.
There were many Junkers Ju-52 aircraft there and, just like at Ockenburg, they were expertly destroyed.
However, the outcome is dramatic.
The 854 and the 862 are attacked on their way back to Schiphol near Oud Beijerland (Polder Langeweg South Holland).
The Messerschmitt Bf 109s are faster than the versatile but slower TV and both air cruisers are knocked out at 12:03.
We have not been able to find out what happened to those crews.
Only the 856 survives this attack. The story of this box is further on.
On May 10, 1940 at 03.58 the 855 took off with among others 1and Lnt/Fl. N. Steenbeek, 1and Lnt/Wnr. B. Swagerman and 2and Lt./Fl. S. Moolenaars.
At De Kaag (South Holland) they started to tackle some German fighters, and with success.
This was repeated at Utrecht and then the flight returned to Schiphol, arriving at 6:00 am.
The 855th then has to bomb Ockenburg near The Hague.
But especially with the heavy nose gun and the four machine guns much work was done. 25 Junkers Ju 52 planes partly go up in flames.
Then the 855 was also attacked by five Messerschmitts and crashed into the North Sea near Kijkduin, still burning.
Four people died in this incident.
It is still May 10, 1940 and the number of airworthy TV air cruisers has now fallen to six.
After the German invasion on May 10, 1940 at 03:58, the 856 flew together with the 854 to the Ruigenhoek emergency airfield.
The crew consisted of 1and Lnt/Fl. W. Anceaux, gunner Ruijgrok and 1and Lnt/Fl J. Eilders .
The order was to bomb Ockenburg airfield, together with the 854 and the 862.
They returned to Schiphol Airport via the Ruigenhoek emergency airfield.
A new assignment followed on May 11 to tackle Waalhaven airfield near Rotterdam, again with 854 and 862.
By now there were over 30 Junkers Ju 52 aircraft there and a significant number of them were destroyed.
The 854 and 862 were eventually shot down on this mission by Messerschmitt 109s.
Only the 856 returned unharmed to Schiphol and, together with the 850, remained of the original 16 TV air cruisers.
A subsequent attack by 850 and 856 on the Maas bridges in Rotterdam failed.
During a second attempt towards the Maas bridges they are engaged by 12 Luftwaffe Messerschmitt 110s.
The German superiority was too great and the 850 was eventually badly hit near Waddinxveen.
1st Lnt/Wnr B.Swagerman, Sgt/Telegr. A. Riemsdijk, Sgt/Vl. O. Douwes Dekker and Sld/Boordsch J. Wijnstra died in an accident.
However, this information is questionable, because according to other sources Anceaux flew the 856 once more together with Wijnstra.
The 856 flew back to Schiphol alone and left the next day, on May 12, for Friesland to attack German troops there.
This was only partially successful and despite German fighters near Enkhuizen, the aircraft flew back to Schiphol.
On May 13(!!!) the order came to bomb a road bridge at the Moerdijk with 2 (!!!) bombs of 300 kg each.
The bombs were dropped at a fairly low altitude.
On the return flight, the 856 was attacked over Dordrecht by a Messerschmitt 109 and crashed near Ridderkerk.
There are 5 deaths, including 1st Lt./Fl. W.Anceaux.
Here too, the data from our sources is rather contradictory.
The 857 was left behind after assembly at Fokker Amsterdam Noord or at the Vliegbedrijf at Schiphol. The reason was that there were not enough engines available.
On May 10, 1940, during the German invasion, this TV was destroyed around 04:00. Presumably at Schiphol Airport.
After the German invasion on May 10, 1940, 2, among others, leftand Lnt/Fl J. Bak and 2and Lnt/waarn. J. van Hengel of Schiphol.
A German bomber is destroyed over the North Sea near IJmuiden.
The 858 is then pursued by German aircraft, but their attacks are unsuccessful.
At Vlissingen the TV can land relatively safely, after which the 858 heads back to Schiphol Airport in the afternoon.
Above Veere (Zeeland) the air cruiser is hit in the air, but also by anti-aircraft fire, but makes a good emergency landing at Haamstede Airfield.
The next day, May 11, 1940, all hope of repair fades.
A German fighter plane shoots the 858 on fire from several sides, so that further action is lost.
On May 10, 1940 at 3:58 AM, Schiphol Airport was severely attacked by the German Luftwaffe.
During the start-up of the LVA BOMva group, a lot of damage had already been done.
The 859 was hit by a lot of bomb shrapnel which badly damaged the hydraulic system.
Repairs were started quickly, but testing did not begin until May 14.
All this took place at Schiphol Airport in and around the Fokker Aviation Service.
The Luftwaffe took over the 859 from LVA, practically completely repaired.
The German war crosses and the swastika were placed over the orange markings, but the LVA marking 859 was not removed......
Some sources indicate that the TV 859 was also active in Germany.
The LVA entered the air cruiser in the loss register as early as 10 May 1940.
At the start of the German invasion on May 10, 1940, the 860 was also on the Schiphol platform.
This TV could go into the air, but lacked an important part of the armament. The 860 was therefore not able to fly during the May days of 1940.
The impression is that this TV was not too badly damaged.
The LVA registered the 860 as a loss in the loss register at 04:00 on 10 May 1940.
After the start of the German invasion on May 10, 1940, the 861 left Schiphol for Texel at around 03:50.
The crew consisted of 1and Lnt /Fl. Mulder and 1and Lnt/Waarn. Verhage.
Both will be in full action later on another TV.
The idea behind going to Texel was to spread some of the TV air cruisers throughout the Netherlands.
The TV arrived at the Texel airport De Vlijt around 5:00 AM.
This turned out to be less safe than expected, because the German Luftwaffe had already been bombing Bergen Air Park for a long time.
At Bergen there were not only the brand new hangars and platforms but also a large group of aircraft including the CX and G.1.
Shortly after arrival, several Luftwaffe aircraft visited De Vlijt Airfield and the 861 was shot on fire.
During the German invasion on May 10 at 4:00 AM, the 862 left with, among others, 1and Lnt/Fl. De Haas and Metzlar.
They headed for the North Sea coast and shot down a Luftwaffe aircraft west of Katwijk aan Zee.
The 862 then flew east and landed at Ruigenhoek emergency airfield.
When they arrived there, an order had already been placed to bomb Ockenburg airfield near The Hague.
At Ockeburg there were, among other things, many Junkers Ju 52 aircraft, which had landed there after dropping paratroopers and war material.
Probably added to Ruigenhoek 1and Lnt/Vl. F. Groen then joined the crew.
The 854 and 856 are also added to the 862's mission.
Via Ruigenhoek, the 862, 854 and 856 eventually land back at Schiphol Airport.
The same trio went into battle shortly afterwards to carry out a similar mission.
Rotterdam's Waalhaven Airport was also quite full of Junkers Ju 52s.
This bombing mission was also carried out properly.
Then disaster strikes with the confrontation of several Messerschmitt Bf 109 fighters.
The 862 and the 854 were shot down near Oud-Beijerland near Langeweg at around 12:03.
Here too, there were many fatalities among the crews.
What is astonishing is the rapid pace at which these actions had to be carried out.
By noon, of this TV trio, only the 856 was left.
This would ultimately prove to be the last flying TV in LVA service. (see the report of the 856).
At Schiphol Airport, at the Fokker Flight Service, the 863 was also waiting.
The armament had still not been fully installed and had not even been delivered complete.
Shortly before the German invasion on May 10, 1940, the unarmed TV was flown to Ruigenhoek airfield.
This was worked on under great time pressure until the very last moment.
But on May 10, 1940, around 04:00, the air cruiser was completely destroyed.
The 864 was under repair after an accident in April 1940 at Schiphol Airport near a narrow ditch.
The job was not yet fully completed and so the 864 fell into the hands of the German Luftwaffe.
Unfortunately, there is not much more to report about this TV.
It is not entirely impossible that further repairs took place at Fokker Amsterdam-Noord.
The 865, the last TV built for LVA, was also at Schiphol Airport when the Germans invaded on May 10.
The air cruiser was flown by the 1stand Lieutenant/Pilots Verhage and Mulder.
At take-off the bomber was unable to retract its landing gear.
Returning to Schiphol was not a good option at all because of the bombings there.
Therefore, they flew in a northerly direction and avoided Bergen, which was already under fire.
It was still possible to attack Luftwaffe fighter planes en route.
Finally, they landed at Marine Air Base De Kooij near Den Helder. The wheels were already off :-)
The Luftwaffe later that day shot down the 865.
The last TV that Fokker delivered to LVA was no longer available.
On May 13, 1940, the Fokker TV book was closed for the LVA.
As far as we could find out, the 852, the 859 and the 864 actually flew with German license plates.